Want a side hustle or hobby that doesn't require you to have an existing audience, website, certification, or anything else to get started?
Launch a podcast.
But you already knew that, right?
The fact you opened this email and are reading these words means there's a pretty good chance you've been thinking about starting a podcast for a while now. Or, maybe you've already started one and you're looking for tips and strategies that'll take it to the next level.
Either way, our friend John Lee Dumas over at Entrepreneurs on Fire has just what you need.
It's a free course that'll teach you how to create, launch, and monetize your own podcast.
I've gone through the material and, let me tell you, it's PACKED with gems. JLD draws on his years of experience (over 3,000 podcast episodes) and his successes (the guy made over $300k in March 2021 alone) to craft a course that'll take you by the hand and walk you through the entire podcast process.
And, amazingly, it's 100% free.
If you've even THOUGHT about starting a podcast someday, or if you already have one and you want to up your game, don't close this email before clicking the link below:
Free Podcast Course by John Lee Dumas
On behalf of Jon Morrow & the rest of the Smart Blogger team,
Kevin J. Duncan
Chief Content Officer (aka Head of Content)
P.S. This email is the first in a new series. Every week, I'll shine a spotlight on a course, tool, or product that I believe Smart Blogger's intelligent and attractive subscribers (such as yourself) will enjoy.
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