Friday, January 27, 2017

Here’s a free book about creating online courses

Just a quick heads up…
For the next five days, my friend Danny Iny is giving away the Kindle version of his book, “Teach and Grow Rich.”
No shipping fees or anything. You just download it, totally free of charge. Here’s the link:
Download Teach and Grow Rich
I read through the book this morning, and it’s excellent.
I’m not the only one who thinks so, either. He has over 200 five-star reviews on Amazon.
Image of Amazon reviews
And for the next five days, it’s totally free.
Now, is it as good as a training program with videos and coaches teaching you how to do everything?
Not at all. It is, however, a great introduction to creating your own courses.
And sometimes, that’s what we all need. Something to get us started.
So, take a look. Here’s the link again.
Talk soon,



(Note: If you're wondering why you got this email, you subscribed to get one of the following: Headline Hacks, training on guest blogging, or post updates to Smart Blogger or Boost Blog Traffic. If you'd rather I didn't email you, click here to unsubscribe, although I'll admit it might hurt my feelings. I'm a delicate little rosebud. :-)

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Thursday, January 26, 2017

20 Ways to Be Just Another Mediocre Blogger Nobody Gives a Crap About

You know what? Almost every blogger I know complains about a lack of traffic.

But as hard as it is for them to hear, most of them don't deserve more traffic.

Why? Because their blog is bland, predictable and downright boring.

So here's a useful reminder of what not to do if you really want more traffic:

20 Ways to Be Just Another Mediocre Blogger Nobody Gives a Crap About

Go check it out and let me know if any of these apply to you.

Talk soon,


(Note: If you're wondering why you got this email, you subscribed to get one of the following: Headline Hacks, training on guest blogging, or post updates to Smart Blogger or Boost Blog Traffic. If you'd rather I didn't email you, click here to unsubscribe, although I'll admit it might hurt my feelings. I'm a delicate little rosebud. :-)

If you no longer wish to receive our emails, click the link below:

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Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Nifty new workbook to help you stay focused

So, this is a bit off-topic, but it's so cool, I couldn't resist telling you about it.

It's a workbook totally dedicated to keeping you focused on your most important goals:

Click here to take a look

And here's what's special about it...

Unlike most books on productivity, it gives you fill in the blank worksheets each day for 100 days.

There's no big book to read. There's no software to figure out. There are no weird formulas you have to remember.

Every day, you just fill out the worksheet, and if you stick with it, it'll keep you focused on your most important goals.

Is it a new system?

Not really. But here's the thing:


And sometimes, that's just what we need. Something so straightforward and brain-dead easy we can't screw it up. :-)

So, I bought a copy. Here's a screenshot of my receipt:


Mastery Journal purchase  confirmation


And by the way, I'm not getting any kickbacks from this. No affiliate commissions or anything.

I just think it'll help you. Simple as that.

So, take a look.

If you like it, grab a copy. If not, ignore the whole thing.

Makes no difference to me either way. Just thought I would tell you about it, because I really like the concept.

Enjoy. :-)




(Note: If you're wondering why you got this email, you subscribed to get one of the following: Headline Hacks, training on guest blogging, or post updates to Smart Blogger or Boost Blog Traffic. If you'd rather I didn't email you, click here to unsubscribe, although I'll admit it might hurt my feelings. I'm a delicate little rosebud. :-)

If you no longer wish to receive our emails, click the link below:

Smart Blogger P.O. Box 2034 Cedar Park, Texas 78630 United States (877) 870-6957

Friday, January 20, 2017

New post: 47 Resources for People Who Love to Write but Can Never Find the Time

Hey there.

I'm excited to share our first post of the year - and the headline speaks for itself:

47 Resources for People Who Love to Write but Can Never Find the Time

If you want your writing to really explode this year, you've gotta read this one. :-)

Talk soon,


P.S. Got friends or family who are interested in writing? Why not share this with them on Facebook or Twitter?

(Note: If you're wondering why you got this email, you subscribed to get one of the following: Headline Hacks, training on guest blogging, or post updates to Smart Blogger or Boost Blog Traffic. If you'd rather I didn't email you, click here to unsubscribe, although I'll admit it might hurt my feelings. I'm a delicate little rosebud. :-)

If you no longer wish to receive our emails, click the link below:

Smart Blogger P.O. Box 2034 Cedar Park, Texas 78630 United States (877) 870-6957

Saturday, January 14, 2017

[LAST CHANCE] Fourteen courses for $1 sale ends today!

Hey, did you see the special we are running? The one where we are offering 14 courses for only $1?

Click here to get the juicy details
If you haven’t grabbed it yet, you need to jump on it TODAY, because tomorrow the price will be $48 higher. For the same exact thing.
If you’ve been struggling to figure out how to get more traffic or monetize your blog, you need to get this. It’ll save you months or even years of pounding your head against the wall trying to figure it out for yourself.

But do it NOW because the $1 sale ends at midnight (Eastern/New York time).
Talk soon,





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Friday, January 13, 2017

Please don’t pay full price for this

Want to save $48 today?

Click here for details on the discount

If you’ve been struggling to figure out how to get more traffic or monetize your blog, you need to get this. It’ll save you months or even years of pounding your head against the wall trying to figure it out for yourself.

And it’s only $1. Cheap as you could possibly get.

The bad news?

After tomorrow, the price goes up to $49. For the exact same thing.

You can save $48 by grabbing the package now. Without a doubt, it’s the best deal we have ever offered, and I wouldn’t count on us ever offering a deal like this again.

Click here for details on the discount

Talk soon,





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Thursday, January 12, 2017

14 blogging courses for only $1?

Hey, did you catch yesterday’s email about our $1 trial?

For the next two days, you can get 14 blogging courses covering everything from choosing your domain name to advanced monetization strategies for only $1.

Not $1 each. $1 total.

People usually pay $49 per minicourse. but you're getting it all for a buck.

Why would we do such a thing?

Well, I’ve never made any claims of being totally sane. So, who knows, a giant bunny rabbit named Harvey might have told me to. :-)

All joking aside though, I want to give you the boost you need to become a popular blogger. I want you to go out and kick ass and take names. If you’re committed, I am too, so I’m putting my money where my mouth is.

14 courses for $1 is a hell of a deal. Click here to grab them while you can.

You’ll be glad you did. :-)


PS: You only have a have a couple days left to grab everything for $1. Make sure you don’t miss it. :-)




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Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Here’s everything you need to build a successful blog

Hey there! Learn a few things from the lesson yesterday?

I’ve got another little surprise for you today. :-)

Over the past few months, the BBT team and I have been preparing a library of blog training materials for you. It’s hundreds of pages of material, checklists, video walk-throughs, and everything else you need to build a successful blog.

And I want to give it to you for a measly buck.


Yesterday, remember how we talked about successful bloggers being more serious than everyone else?

And (hopefully) you made the commitment to take your blog seriously?

Well, once you’ve made the commitment, all you need is training showing you exactly what to do, step-by-step. That’s what we’ve created for you here.

Normally, these minicourses cost $49 each, but for the next three days only, you can get all of them together for a total of only $1.

Click here to get the full details

Talk with you soon,



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Tuesday, January 10, 2017

How three measly blogs generated over $50 million in sales

Did you think nobody makes any money from blogging?
Well, listen to this...

Over the last decade, I've helped build three of the most popular blogs in the world. Here they are:

The last one is mine. The other two were clients.

Together, they have received over 200 million page views. Probably somewhere around $50 million in revenue. Maybe more.

To be clear, I wasn't working alone. I was working with superstars like Brian Clark, Sonia Simone, Neil Patel, and Hiten Shah. We worked together to create those results, and honestly, they deserve more of the credit than I do.

I also learned a ton working with them. Lessons you'll never see anyone write about on any of the social media blogs out there.

Today, I'd like to teach you one of those lessons.

You game? :-)

Okay then, here you go:

You ever wondered what blogging superstars are doing that you're not? Is there some secret strategy or software tool they are keeping to themselves?

In a word:


They're just more serious than you are.

Think about it:

How much time do you have blocked off on your calendar every day dedicated to writing? Not just time when you might do a little writing, but real appointments where no one can reach you, no one can interrupt you, and absolutely nothing can stop you from writing?

None, right?

Okay, then. How much time have you spent researching the blogs of your competitors? I'm not just talking about their design or domain name. I'm talking about systematically studying their content, reading dozens or maybe even hundreds of posts, picking apart why each one is popular (or not) and looking for patterns.

Done much of that?

No, right? Probably because it's not much fun.

But here's the thing:

Most of the things you have to do to become a popular blogger are NOT fun. They're just good old-fashioned hard work.

It's like any profession.

Do you think CPAs ENJOY reading tax law? Do you think plumbers ENJOY slogging around in human waste? Do you think professors ENJOY grading papers?

No. It's just part of the job. So, they do it.

Same thing here. Problem is, somehow everyone has gotten it into their head that blogging is different. They think it's all rainbows and unicorns and sitting on the beach, sipping martinis.

It's not. It's years of mind-numbing study, followed by years of mind-numbing labor.

I'm not saying you have to hate it. I don't.

I probably enjoy 80% of what I do. I tolerate the other 20%, because it's a part of the package.

But I get up and do all of it every day. Because that's my job.

If you want to be successful, you have to start thinking about it the same way. You have to stop looking at it as a hobby and start looking at it as your future profession.

Or put more simply, take it seriously.

Are you willing to make that commitment? Are you willing to do what it takes?

If you are, click here to take the pledge:

I hereby pledge to take my blog seriously

It's totally private. No one will know but you and me.

I'll have another lesson for you tomorrow. Talk with you soon.


PS: You might be reading this thinking, "Well, that's easy for you to say, Jon. You're already a superstar, so it's easy for you to block off time to work on stuff. You don't have a job to deal with."

And it's true. I don't.

But I used to. Read this:

How to Quit Your Job, Move to Paradise, and Get Paid to Change the World

It's the story of how I became a popular blogger, and it's maybe the best post I've ever written. Went viral and got over 1 million page views and counting.

Read it, and then come back and take the pledge. I'll talk with you again tomorrow.



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Saturday, January 7, 2017

Friendly reminder (time sensitive)

Hey there, just a heads up:

Today is the LAST day to get your $100 discount on our certification program. At midnight, the price goes up by $100, and you’ll miss out on the discount.

Click here to get your $100 discount before it expires

Not trying to be pushy. Just want to make sure you don’t end up having to pay full price for this. That would suck. :-)

All the best,


PS: Remember, not only will this teach you to write for sites like The Huffington Post, Forbes, and others, but I’ll teach you all my tricks for making your posts go viral and get tons of traffic.

The certification you’ll receive will also give you the credibility you desperately need to stand out from the crowd. For more info, go here:

How to get certified to write for top sites

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Friday, January 6, 2017


Hey there. One question I forgot to ask you yesterday.

Put yourself in the shoes of an editor for a moment.

On an average day, you might get 50 different pitches from writers you’ve never met before. Well, who are you going to pay most attention to?

1) A complete stranger pitching you out of the blue

2) A professional writer certified by the most prestigious training program online

Whose pitch are you going to read first?

Obviously, the professional writer with the certification wins every time.

Now, don’t misunderstand me here. It’s not a requirement to be certified to write for these blogs.

But it sure helps. A lot.

Right now, you’re just another complete stranger, and right or wrong, you’re going to get lumped in with all the other idiots. Not because you deserve to be, but because you have no credentials to back you up.

So, let’s get you certified:

Click here to get details on the certification program

Talk soon,


PS: If you’re ready to get some serious exposure for your writing, this is the logical next step for you. Until midnight tomorrow, I’m also offering a big discount, so if you’re interested, go ahead and take a peek:

Details on the discount

Not interested in the certification program? No problem, just click here and I won't send you any more reminders about the discount.

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Thursday, January 5, 2017

Want me to mentor you?

Over the last few days, I’ve taught you a lot about the benefits of getting published on big sites like Problogger, but you might be wondering…

What if you’re writing about more mainstream topics like parenting or self-improvement or personal finance?

And what if you’re just a beginner without a huge track record like me?

Well, take a look at this:

Details on My Guest Blogging Class

I’m looking for a few serious writers to join me in an online class, where I’ll teach you everything I know about writing for big sites like Scary Mommy, Lifehacker, Forbes, and The Huffington Post – all sites I’ve helped previous students get published on.

Once you complete the class, I even give you a certification you can show the big magazines and blogs to prove you know what you’re doing. It’s a huge advantage.

And the best part?

For a couple more days, I’m offering you a big discount on your tuition. So, get it now and save a few bucks:

Details on the certification program (and the discount)

The discount will only be available until Saturday, January 7th, so I would grab your seat now while it’s still fresh in your mind.

Talk soon,


Not interested in the certification program? No problem, just click here and I won't send you any reminders about the discount.

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Wednesday, January 4, 2017

How to Become a Highly Sought-After Writer (Part 4)

Bad news today, I'm afraid.

This is the final lesson

Before you watch it though, I need to tell you something about my past...

When I was twelve, my mother and I hit a rough spot where we couldn’t even afford to buy food. We used to go to churches to get meals, because otherwise, we would’ve gone hungry.

But I had an idea.

I took a plastic bucket and put a sign on it that said, “Please help. We need money.” Too embarrassed to let anyone see me with it, I put it next to the road and looked out the window, hoping people who went by would drop money in it.

Needless to say, it didn’t work. Even worse, my mother saw it, and it punched a hole in her heart.

“You don’t have to do this,” she said, tears streaming down her face. “We’ll make it somehow.”

But I couldn’t do nothing. The feeling of powerlessness was killing me.

A few days later, I noticed a Girl Scout going door-to-door, selling cookies. By the time she got to the end of the street, all her cookies were gone, and she had a wad of money in her hand.

That’s when I learned one of the most important lessons of my life…

You can’t just wait for people to put money in a bucket. You have to give them something in exchange. You also have to go to them, not expect them to come to you.

But what could I give them? We didn’t even have enough food for ourselves, much less supplies to bake cookies.

I looked around and found a poem I’d written for my mother. It was all I could afford to give her for Mother’s Day.

“That’s it,” I thought. “I’ll sell poems.”

Over the next few days, I wrote a dozen or so poems. Each of them less than a page.

And then I made little frames for them out of popsicle sticks.

When I was done, I went to every house on the street. My neighbors opened their doors and found a skinny little kid in a wheelchair sitting outside, selling poems for three dollars apiece.

What do you think happened?

You guessed it, I sold every single one of those poems. Not a single person said no.

I made $36 from my writing that day. Later, we went to the store, and little Jon Morrow, a 12-year-old kid in a wheelchair, bought his family’s groceries for the first time. Still brings tears to my eyes, just thinking about it.

A week later, my mother found work, and I stopped going door-to-door, pestering the neighbors, but I was never quite the same after that. I got rid of a demon that’s plagued writers for centuries:


We love to write. We love to share our gift. We love to see it touch people.

But when it comes to promoting our writing? Or even worse, asking for money?

We feel ashamed. Dirty. Afraid.

So, most of us never promote our work at all. Or if we do, it’s the equivalent of putting a bucket by the road and watching out the window, hoping somebody drops a dollar in.

But that’s not the way the world works.

If you want to succeed as a writer, you have to be brave. You have to fight for your work.

For today’s lesson, I created another little video for you, showing you how. It requires some courage, but if you’re willing to do the work, you’ll be shocked at what will happen.

Click here to watch the lesson

By the way, this is the last part of the case study, but let me ask you a question…

Would you like me to teach you more of this kind of stuff?

Not only guiding you step-by-step through how to write posts like this, but also taking you under my wing and giving you my “stamp of approval” so big magazines and blogs want you to write viral content for them?

If so, more details tomorrow.

Talk soon,


PS: If you missed the previous emails, or you just haven’t found a chance to read them yet, here they are again:

How to Become a Highly Sought-After Writer (Part One)

How to Become a Highly Sought-After Writer (Part Two)

How to Become a Highly Sought-After Writer (Part Three)

If you don't want to learn more about how to write for popular blogs and online magazines, click here to stop getting the emails.

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Tuesday, January 3, 2017

How to Become a Highly Sought-After Writer (Part 3)

Can I be a little blunt?

I’m worried about today’s lesson.

It’s advanced. Very advanced.

Not just difficult. It’s the equivalent of an Olympic athlete running a four minute mile.

But the good news?

Even if you only apply 10% of what I’m about to teach you, your writing will take a quantum leap forward. And if you apply all of it? Hell, you may just write a million-visitor post of your own. :-)

Anyway, enough posturing.

Click here to get the lesson

Once you’ve finished your post, all you have to do is get the word out, and tomorrow, I’ll show you a ridiculously simple promotion strategy. Believe me, ANYONE can do this, and you’ll be shocked at how much traffic you’ll get.

It’s counterintuitive, though. For instance… did you think posts go viral because readers share them?

Wrong. Shares from readers are a byproduct of the strategy I’m about to teach you, not the cause.

Want to learn the cause?

Open my email tomorrow. :-)


PS: If you missed the previous emails, or you just haven’t found a chance to read them yet, here they are again:

How to Become a Highly Sought-After Writer (Part One)

How to Become a Highly Sought-After Writer (Part Two)

If you don't want the rest of the case study click here to stop getting the emails.

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Monday, January 2, 2017

How to Become a Highly Sought-After Writer (Part 2)

Hey, it’s Jon here.

(A.K.A. the crazy dude in a wheelchair from yesterday’s post.)

Speaking of which, you did get a chance to read the post, right? If not, here's a link to an archived version of Part One.

Today, we’re going under the hood, and I’ll show you exactly how I got so much traffic, starting with a simple technique that’ll give your articles an immediate boost in popularity and have editors knocking down your door to get you to write for them.

Click here to get the lesson

Also, let me say one thing…

A lot of people like to brag about their traffic. Especially guys. If they write a popular post, they strut around like peacocks, feeling superior to everyone.

But that’s a bunch of crap.

Traffic isn’t about giving yourself an ego boost. It’s about changing people’s lives.

This post touched over 1 million people. It encouraged them, it inspired them, it kicked them in the butt and pushed them to pursue their dreams.

THAT’S what I’m proud of. Not the traffic itself.

And I want to teach you how to do it too. Not for your sake, but for the sake of everyone you can help.

Feel me?

All right, click here to get the lesson

It’s the first step. Tomorrow, I’ll walk you through Step Two. Until then, enjoy the lesson. :-)


If you don't want the rest of the case study click here to stop getting the emails.

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Sunday, January 1, 2017

How to Become a Highly Sought-After Writer (Part 1)

Hey there! Are you as pumped as I am about this new case study?

By the way, if you’re wondering what I’m talking about, check yesterday’s email titled “How I Wrote a Post That Got 1,000,000 Visitors” It explains what I’m doing here and why.

The short version?

Over the next few days, I’m revealing for the first time exactly how I wrote an article that got over 1 million visitors, eventually resulting in Forbes approaching me to be a columnist. Over the next few days, I’ll break down the writing, the strategy, the traffic techniques, everything.

Sound like a good deal?

All right, then. One more thing before I give you the link to the article…

Don’t just read it. Read some of the comments too.

There are hundreds of them. The site eventually got so overwhelmed with moderating them all that they shut the comment section down.

How, exactly, do you generate that type of buzz?

Well, by writing a kick ass post, of course, but you also need traffic. Lots and lots of traffic.

Tomorrow, I’ll show you a simple technique I used to get this post 100X more traffic than usual. In the meantime…

Click here to read the post

Talk soon,


PS: You're receiving this email because you requested one of our strategy guides or signed up for emails through If you no longer want to receive this case study click here to stop getting the emails.

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toko jual istri



```Sebuah Toko yang menjual Istri, baru dibuka dimana Pria dapat memilih Wanita untuk dijadikan sebagai seorang Istri ...

Di antara instruksi-instruksi yang ada di pintu masuk, terdapat instruksi yang menunjukkan bagaimana aturan main untuk masuk toko tsb:

"Kamu hanya dapat mengunjungi toko ini _SATU KALI_!"

Toko tersebut terdiri dari 6 lantai, dimana setiap lantai akan menunjukkan "Kelompok Calon Istri"

Semakin tinggi lantainya, semakin tinggi pula nilai Wanita tersebut ...

Kamu dapat memilih Wanita di lantai tertentu /lebih memilih ke lantai berikutnya, tapi dengan syarat _TIDAK BISA TURUN LAGI_ ke lantai sebelumnya kecuali untuk Keluar dari Toko.```

Lalu, seorang pria pun pergi ke " TOKO ISTRI " tersebut untuk mencari Istri.

Di setiap lantai terdapat tulisan seperti ini :

● Lantai 1 :

"Wanita di lantai ini taat pada Tuhan & Pandai Memasak." 

Pria itu Tersenyum, kemudian dia naik ke lantai selanjutnya.

● Lantai 2 :

"Wanita di lantai ini taat pada Tuhan, Pandai Memasak & Lemah Lembut."

Kembali pria itu naik ke lantai selanjutnya.

● Lantai 3 :

"Wanita di lantai ini taat pada Tuhan, Pandai Memasak, Lemah Lembut & Cantik."

"Wow!", ujar sang pria, tetapi pikirannya masih penasaran & terus naik.

Lalu sampailah pria itu di

● Lantai 4 :

dan terdpt tulisan: "Wanita di lantai ini taat pada Tuhan, Pandai Memasak, Lemah Lembut, Cantik Banget & Sayang Anak."

"Ya ampun!" Dia berseru, "Aku hampir tak percaya!"

Dan dia tetap melanjutkan ke

● Lantai 5 :

"Wanita di lantai ini taat pada Tuhan, Pandai Memasak, Lemah Lembut, Cantik Banget, Sayang Anak & Sexy."

Dia tergoda untuk berhenti tapi kemudian dia melangkah ke

● Lantai 6 :

dan terdapat tulisan: Anda adalah pengunjung yg ke 8.089.3562 TIDAK ADA WANITA di Lantai ini."

Lantai ini hanya semata-mata pembuktian untuk *_Pria_* yang *TIDAK PERNAH PUAS*."

Terima kasih telah berbelanja di "TOKO ISTRI".

Mohon hati-hati ketika keluar dari sini.

*Pesan moral ini bukan cuma untuk Pria tapi juga untuk Wanita*

*"Tetaplah selalu merasa Puas akan Pasangan yang Sudah Tuhan Sediakan."*

```Jangan terus Mencari yang Terbaik tapi Jadikanlah yang ada Terbaik bagi Anda```

*Karena tidak ada satu manusiapun yang sempurna* .... termasuk ... Anda ... Saya ... Kita ...```