Sunday, May 16, 2021

[FLASH SALE] 97% off premium stock photos

While you can get pretty far with free stock photos from Pexels, Pixabay, and the like, some projects require a little extra punch, pop, and pizzazz.

That's when you need premium stock photos that people haven't seen a million times.

The only problem?

They're usually expensive. (Sorry I didn't get you something for our anniversary, sweetie. I had to buy a stock photo.)

Enter AppSumo's exclusive flash sale for Depositphotos.

For a limited time, you can buy 100 premium, royalty-free images from Depositphotos for only $39. Need another 100? Pay an extra $39. Another 100? Yep, another $39.

Smart Blogger has bought seventeen (not exaggerating -- I looked it up) credits (that's 1,700 images) when AppSumo has offered this deal in the past.


Because it's a steal.

On Depositphotos' pricing page, their CHEAPEST package is $42 -- and you get a whopping 3 (!) images for that price. Instead of paying $14 per image, this AppSumo deal lets us pay 39 cents.

Oh, and those credits never expire. Use them immediately or decades from now. (Why, yes, that image of President Bieber did come from Depositphotos. Good eye.)

If you like saving money, and you can envision ANY scenario where having a professional, royalty-free image would come in handy, do yourself a favor and click the link below:

Yes, I'd like access to a library of 195+ million premium stock photos and vector images.

On behalf of Jon & the rest of the Smart Blogger team,

Kevin J. DuncanChief Content Officer (aka Head of Content)

P.S. This email is part of a new series. Every week, I'll shine a spotlight on a course, tool, or product that I believe Smart Blogger's intelligent and attractive subscribers (such as yourself) will enjoy.

Miss last week's email? Click here to check out the free course from John Lee Dumas of Entrepreneurs on Fire. It'll teach you how to create, launch, and monetize your own podcast.

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