Wednesday, February 27, 2019

I want you back!

There's just no easy way to say this, so I'm going to just come right out with it…

I miss your smiling face, and I loved it when you clicked "open" on my emails.

But that hasn't happened in a while (over 60 days, to be exact) and I want you back…

So here's what I'm willing to do…

If you click on the link below:

This one --> Your Free Mystery Gift

…I'll give you a mystery gift worth at least a couple hundred dollars.

More importantly, by clicking on this link you'll be telling me that you're still alive and interested in receiving emails from me. :)

And just so you're aware, I have setup our email system to automatically remove you from our list if I don't see any activity from your account in the next few days. I know that sounds a little harsh, but I just don't want to send my information out to folks who aren't reading or getting value from it.

So again…CLICK THIS LINK: Your Free Mystery Gift

Not only will you have a cool gift waiting for you on the other side, you'll also reactivate your subscription meaning even more great stuff will be coming to you in the weeks and months to come.

See you on the other side,


If you no longer wish to receive any emails from Smart Blogger, please click here to unsubscribe completely.

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