Saturday, December 31, 2016

How I Wrote a Post That Got 1,000,000 Visitors

Kind of weirds me out to use that subject line, by the way.

I mean, I've always loved writing for people, and I always wanted as many people as possible to read my work, but a million freaking people to a single freaking post?

Never saw that coming.

The crazy thing though is it wasn't just luck.

I wrote a second one that later crossed the seven-figure mark, and I have a third sitting at 729,244 and rising about 40,000 a month. Won't be too much longer before it gets there.

The point?

If you do something incredible once, maybe it's an accident. If you do it three times, chances are pretty good you know what you're doing.

But here's what's embarrassing...

I've never really talked about HOW I do it. I've kept those secrets close to the vest.

Worse, I haven't written much of anything lately at BBT. I've been working behind the scenes, slowly turning us into a massive company, and I've neglected a lot of people I care about... including you.

The good news, though?

I thought of the perfect way to make it up to ya. :-)

For the first time ever, I'm going to do an in-depth case study walking you through exactly how I wrote that first post that got over 1,000,000 visitors. We'll talk about the writing style, the strategy behind the post, the promotional techniques I used, everything.

It won't cost you a dime, either. I could easily charge for it, but I've decided to release the entire case study for free.

Yes, I might pitch you a thing or two at the end. I'm not an idiot, after all.

But the case study itself will be 100% content, and you'll learn a ton from it whether you buy anything or not.


If you have any questions you'd like me to cover, reply to me here. I probably won't respond, because I'm sending this to over 100,000 people, and I imagine I'll get a LOT of responses, but I would like to read through your questions, so I can address them while I'm creating the case study.

Otherwise, watch your inbox. You'll get an email tomorrow with the subject line "How to Become a Highly Sought-After Writer (Part 1)."

It's going to be a lot of fun. Hope you're excited.

Talk soon,


PS: If you DON'T want the case study, click here to be removed from the entire sequence. You'll be missing out, but hey, to each his own.

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Here's your link to the Blog Profit Calculator

Here you go:

Access the Blog Profit Calculator

Also, mind helping me out with something?

Between you and me, I normally get paid to tell people how much their blog could be making, but I'm giving this calculator away totally free because I want to help as many people as possible understand the true value of their blogs.

To do that though, I need good people like you to spread the word and tell your friends.

So if you found it useful, please tell your friends by sharing it using one of the links below:

Share the Blog Profit Calculator on: Twitter | Facebook | Google+

Otherwise, I sincerely hope you find this calculator useful. Here's to your future blogging success - I really believe you can do it! :-)



PS: If you have any trouble accessing the calculator, try opening it in a different browser. Sometimes, browsers get messed up when we are using them for no apparent reason. If you're still having trouble, let me know, and a member of my team will help you out. :-)

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Smart Blogger P.O. Box 2034 Cedar Park, Texas 78630 United States (877) 870-6957

Friday, December 30, 2016

Please confirm to access the Blog Profit Calculator (Important)

You're almost there! Just to protect you from spam, our email service provider requires you to confirm your email address before we can send you to the Blog Profit Calculator.
To confirm your request, please  Click Here
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Smart Blogger P.O. Box 2034 Cedar Park, Texas 78630 United States (877) 870-6957

Lam Nal-Salam Kenal

Perkenalkan, saya adalah seorang yang sedang berusaha dan berusaha. Hehe..
Mencoba peruntungan dalam dunia blog khususnya, yang mungkin dikemudian hari bisa seperti
agan-agan diluar sana yang dapat masif income dari blog ini.
