Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Write slowly? This will help you get faster.

I don't think I've ever admitted this publicly, but…

Not too long ago, I was a really freaking slow writer.

Most people can write a blog post in a day or two.

Me? I could only manage one or two a month.

It was embarrassing, but I thought it's just how I worked. Slow and steady.

One day though, I was talking to a buddy who's a professional novelist, and he mentioned how he wrote 15,000 words a day.

"Holy crap," I said. "That's a real gift."

"Not a gift," he told me. "I had to retrain myself how to write."

I asked him what he meant, and he showed me an entirely new way of writing that a lot of fiction writers are using. Intrigued, I decided to give it a try.

Within a week, I was writing a post within two days. A month after that, I was down to only four hours.

And we're not talking about quick, crappy writing, either. It was my usual quality.

Impressed, I created a little course teaching the system my friend taught me. I called it "Become a Writing Machine."

Normally, it's $49, but earlier today, I was looking through it and thinking, "You know, this stuff really helped me. My buddy really did me a favor telling me about it."

So, I'll tell you what. Today, I'm going to "pay it forward" and do YOU a favor.

Just for a little while, I'm going to cut the price by 85%. You can grab the whole course for seven bucks.

Click here for details on Become a Writing Machine

I don't really make any profit at that price. Just break even, probably.

But I want more people to have it, so what the hell.

If you're a slow writer, take a look. It'll help you.

Talk soon,


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