Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Please don’t pay full price for this

Hey there, just a heads up:

Today is the LAST day to get your $300 discount on our certification program. At midnight, the price goes up by $300, and you'll miss out on the discount.

Click here to get your $300 discount before it expires

Not trying to be pushy. Just want to make sure you don't end up having to pay full price for this. That would suck. :-)

All the best,


PS: Remember, not only will this teach you to write for sites like The Huffington Post, Forbes, and others, but I'll teach you all my tricks for making your posts go viral and get tons of traffic.

The certification you'll receive will also give you the credibility you desperately need to stand out from the crowd. For more info, go here:

How to get certified to write for top sites

Not interested in our certification course? Just click here to be removed from the list

Note: If you're wondering why got this email, you subscribed to receive blog updates from Smart Blogger, registered to access a free download (such as Headline Hacks) or purchased one of our products, like Guest Blogging or Serious Bloggers Only. If you'd rather I didn't email you, click here to unsubscribe, although I'll admit it might hurt my feelings. I'm a delicate little rosebud. :-)

Smart Blogger 2028 E. Ben White Blvd. #240-4650 Austin, Texas 78741 United States (877) 870-6957

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