Tuesday, April 13, 2021

New jobs for writers! (Some paying over $80K)

Did you know e-commerce stores are hiring writers like mad?

(Stores like Athletic Greens, for example.)

Software companies are hiring too. Like Zapier – the company who connects apps.

But it's not just any writer. It's a particular kind – and no, I'm NOT talking about content marketing.

This is a new type of writing poised for insane growth over the next two years.

Click here to get the inside scoop, including real job openings

Oh, and did I mention these are all work from home jobs?

They don't care where you live. In many cases, you can even set your own hours.

It's actually an insane opportunity. If I were starting over, I would be all over this.

Go take a look. Or forward this to another writer you think would be interested.

Talk soon,


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