Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Last chance to get into the Paid to Write Club

Just wanted to give you one last nudge.

In a couple of hours, we'll be closing the doors, and you'll lose your access to the lifetime membership. Over time, it could cost you hundreds of dollars more than everybody else is paying right now, and I don't want to see that happen!

Click here for details on the Paid to Write Club

I know life gets in the way sometimes, so I didn't want it to sneak past you. It's a great deal, and it gives you everything you need to get started as a freelance writer.

Anyway, this is the last time I'm emailing you about it. Back to our regularly scheduled programming. :-)


If you don't want to continue in the Paid to Write Club,
you can just click here to let us know.

If you no longer wish to receive any emails from Smart Blogger, please click Unsubscribe to unsubscribe completely.

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