Thursday, January 3, 2019

3 Ways to Make a Nice Side Income in the New Year

First of all, Happy New Year! It's great having you as part of the Smart Blogger family :-)

And now here's something I want to share with you...

Let's say you have a few hours a week to dedicate to your blog.

In the evenings, on the weekend, etc.

Is there a REALISTIC way to make a nice side income from that?

Not millions. Just a few grand a month, right?

It's an interesting question. After thinking about it for a while, I decided to put together a little webinar on that exact topic

Click here to get all the details.

Not only am I going to talk about how to monetize your content, but I'm going to walk you through how to make the income grow PASSIVELY, so it keeps building in the background, even if you only have a limited amount of time to dedicate to it.

I'm also going to assume you're getting started from SCRATCH. No traffic, not even a website. I'll walk you through how to figure out what you should write about, the software I recommend (it's free), and everything else you need.

It's going to be EPIC. Hope you can join us. :-)

See you there,


PS: I won't be releasing a recording for this one. I realize that will exclude some folks, but apologies. If it's popular, I'm sure I'll do the webinar again, and I'll give you a heads up.

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