Wednesday, December 20, 2017

85% off sale ends today!

Hey, did you get my email yesterday about the 85% discount?

Just thought I would check in with you, because I was looking through our records, and I noticed you haven't had a chance to take me up on it.

No biggie. Not trying to be pushy.

I just wanted to make sure you saw it, because the 85% off sale is actually ending tonight at midnight (Eastern time). I didn't want you to miss it and have to pay full price.

Here's the special discount link again:

Grab the contact info for editors of 103 top-tier sites

Just a friendly heads up. Hope you're doing well. :-)


PS: Did you know Forbes averages 56 million visitors a month? That's insane!

It's also a great opportunity for a beginning writer. No, they don't typically pay, but you can get some exposure, build your credibility, and then work up to paying gigs.

And that's just one of the sites in our database. There are over 100 more on every imaginable topic.

Just thought I would point that out, in case you're still on the fence about whether to grab a copy. Let me know if you have any other questions.

Not interested in emails about this Big Black Book flash sale? No problem, just click here.

You're receiving this email because you subscribed to receive blog updates from Smart Blogger, registered to access a free download (such as Headline Hacks) or purchased one of our products, like Guest Blogging. If you'd rather I didn't email you, click here to unsubscribe, although I'll admit it might hurt my feelings. I'm a delicate little rosebud. :-)

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