Crazy, right?
56,334 users. 101,598 total page views.
And here's the shocker...
This is a brand new blog...
started by a newbie...
in a boring, stodgy niche (personal finance).
He had no connections.
He spent zero money on advertising.
He'd never written about the topic before. Ever.
And yet he managed to get 56K visitors in 60 days starting from SCRATCH.
How? Who was he? What was the blog?
We'll get to all that shortly.
Point is...
Everybody who tells you that you need to be patient while your traffic builds is FULL OF SHIT.
The truth?
If you know what you're doing, you can go from nothing to hundreds or even thousands of visitors per day within a few months.
"But Jon," you say. "That's precisely the problem! I have no idea what I'm doing."
And let's be clear...
It's not your fault.
There's an entire industry of "gurus" who make millions from confusing the hell out of you.
One month, they tantalize you with Facebook. The next, it's YouTube. The month after that, they are crowing about Pinterest.
The problem?
They are leaving out the BIG PICTURE.
Nobody tells shows you how all the different tactics fit together into a coherent strategy. You end up jumping from one tactic to the next, wasting your time, never getting anywhere.
The good news...
That stops today.
Today, I'm starting a new "sublist" specifically for Smart Blogger readers who are interested in really and truly understanding traffic.
And you're officially invited to join (it's free).
Just one word of warning...
I'm not going to baby you.
If you're hoping for some easy "hacks" you can implement in a few minutes, then I'm sorry, I'm not your guy.
I'm the guy who tells you the truth.
It's complicated. It's ugly. It's painful.
But it's REAL.
When we're done, you won't be confused. You won't wonder which strategy to follow.
You'll know.
Are you ready for that?
Then "raise your hand" by clicking the link below:
Click here to get on the traffic sublist
Talk soon,
PS: Remember screenshot above? For your first lesson, I'm going to tell you the true story of exactly how that happened. Who it was, how they did it, the whole story. Just click the link above to get on the sublist, and you'll get the whole case study for free.